Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ugh I Hate Car Trouble!!!

So this morning were driving to drop Harper off at daycare on our way to work and the car is acting funny. I don't really know how to explain it, but when I would press on the gas it was not going very fast. It's like it never kicks into gear. We are supposed to be leaving Friday after work to go camping with my mom before we leave monday to go to denver. Rob is gonna take the car to auto zone when he gets off to see if they can hook their little computer up to it to see whats wrong with it. Everyone please pray its something not very expensive that maybe we can fix ourselves. I really hope this doesn't ruin our camping and our trip to denver. I really want rob's birthday to be super special this year. It has taken so much to save to buy tickets, to buy us both 311 shirts to wear, to get my mom to come stay with Harper so we can go on out first vacation without Harper. Thats right this is the first time we have ever left harper for more than one night to go do something just us. Thinking that our car could break down and ruin it all really upsets me.....but i guess till rob goes to auto zone we wont know.....ill keep yall posted

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