Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Catlin Students

Well Mommy finally got back into school. I have been wanting to go back for a while, but I always had some reason why I couldn't. Then one day I realized I had to just do it, just get off my butt go register and sign up for classes so I did. I have wanted o be a teacher since I was little. I have changed my mind a lot of times over the years but what I always come back to is teaching. So I'm on way to get my teaching degree. I start class on the 23rd of August (what a wonderful wedding anniversary gift....going back to school) I will be taking Developmental Psychology, Environmental Science (The Blue Earth), Math for Elementary Teachers and Spanish. It's gonna be really stressful and hard for a few years doing school full time and having a full time job, but I have to do it. Not just for me, but for Harper too. She deserves to have a lot more than she does. She is the smartest, brightest, most beautiful person I have ever met and she deserves the world. I just hope that some day we will be able to give it to her. Rob was so proud of me that he went and bought the sweetest card and a coke :) He is such a good husband. Harper will also start school on the 23rd, well actually she will start on the 24th cuz Mama Bear will be here on the 23rd. The school harper is going to is awesome. They have different class rooms. And in Harpers classroom all the kids have a cubby hole with their picture on it to help them remember which one is theirs to put their back pack in and hang their coats up in. The have different ares in her classroom, painting tables, reading circle, a kitchen to play cook in and a really nice brand new play ground out back designed just for kids her age. When we went to tour the place yesterday Harper was playing on the little play kitchen and she was cooking eggs. She is going to have so much fun at this place. They even have cameras in all the rooms so at any moment I can log in online and see what shes doing. She is going to be learning so much. I can't believe how big she is getting and that were going to buy her a back pack. I love her so much and I am so excited to see what the next chapter holds for our family.

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