Sunday, June 27, 2010

Harper and Mommy day

Pt. 1 Ok I know I'm really bad about writing on this but I'm really gonna try to do better. Today daddy had to work so it's just me and Harper today. As soon as Harper woke up she kept saying "daddy?" "Where daddy?" She sure is a daddys girl. The weather here is great today and that means we get to play outside! Harper's four incisor teeth are finally starting to pop through. After 3 weeks of teething they are finally starting to pop through. This morning I told Harper that my tummy hurt and I needed her to be super nice to me today and she gave me a hug AND a kiss! Then she kissed my tummy. She really is the best. She is starting to rub her eyes so I think she is ready for a nap. I'll post more later

Pt. 2 So Harper has slept alot today. She took a really long nap while I layed on the couch, did laundry, and watched lifetime movies. It finally rained! Now hopefully we can have campfires when we go camping next week. All of Taos is under an extreme burn ban. So this rain today is much needed! well off to more laundry!


Sherry Out Loud said...

Isn't it just so awesome that she's started communicating by talking? Of course, there's no going back now, some days you might wish you could :-) I love hearing about you guys and your life, and maybe you'll inspire me to post on my own blog! I post about as often as you do...LOL! Love you all 3! Aunt Sherry

The Catlins said...

its so awesome that she is talking. its alot easier to understand what she wants and needs. it makes me so sad that she is growing up so fast. i feel like she was just born yesterday. some days i do wish we could go back. back to the days where she would cuddle with me and wanted to be held. now all she wants to do is run away from me lol. i know this is a good way to keep everyone updated so im gonna try really hard to keep up with it this time.